CSR Racing 2- Car Tuning Guide

In a world of racing games CSR Racing 2 takes a very specific place. In fact many people consider Drag Racing games to be something entirely different. Whether that's true or not, I am not the ones to say. It is a very subjective matter and one consisting primarily of opinion.

Drag games as well as CSR Racing 2 are primarily about tuning you car

But it would be a lie to say that drag racing games are not different than other types of games from their family. This is true no matter what your thoughts on CSR Racing 2 are. When I played my first drag racer game quite some time ago I immediately realized that racing comes second and tuning and customizing your car before the race comes first.

Some would rather skip the whole tuning process and go straight for the races...

Of course, you can completely neglect tuning process using the online tool which you can find and read more about it HERE.
Since you're still here, I'm going to assume that you're interested in learning a thing or two about the tuning. I don't claim to be the expert but I've had my fair share of CSR Racing 2.
So I've put together this short car tuning guide to help you out. It's based off of my experience combined with what I found online. So far it seems to be working for me.
Here goes, I hope you like it.
